
The Voice course of study trains students to become professional concert and opera singers. There is a choice of majoring in opera/music theater or concert/Lied performance. The aim of training is to learn to use the voice and body in an independent and differentiated fashion and to use these appropriately to style in the areas of opera, oratorio and Lied. Alongside private lessons in one’s core subject, lessons in the fields of elocution, dramatic studies, movement/dance/improvisation, Italian and musicology are on offer. Subjects such as music physiology, piano and related key competencies (legal studies, self management) as well as collaboration on direction and choir projects complement the studies in voice.

As part of a highly practical approach and with the goal of promoting the individual artistic development, direction and voice students can display their work in numerous stage projects. Performances take place, amongst others in cooperation with Komische Oper, Staatsoper at Schiller Theater, Deutsche Oper (e. g. in the “Neue Szenen” series), HAU (Hebbel am Ufer) and Tempodrom. Further cooperation exists in the area of direction with Bayreuth Festival as well as the stage design courses at Berlin University of the Arts, Technical University Berlin and Berlin Wei?ensee School of Art.

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